Lovelady First United Methodist Church
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all the parts are many,they form one body. So it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12 Come plug in and be blessed!
Flame and Cross Newsletter
We publish a newsletter, distributed on the first Sunday of every month. This is intended to keep our congregation informed of what we are doing and to let them know of any upcoming events. Each month, in addition to our members, 70 copies are mailed to 5 states and 1 foreign country.
Men's Fellowship
The Methodist Men meet once a month along with the Methodist Women. We host The Annual Shrimp Boil in hopes to raise money for the benefit of doing what God has called us to do- help and love others. We are here to uplift one another. We want to live Christ outloud.
Women's Fellowship
Birthdays are special and many church members and freinds make it more so by gathering at a local restaurant and enjoying a birthday meal together. We do this once a month. Come and join us.
Janette Young Gleaners Class
This adult Sunday School class meets at 9:45 a.m to 10:30 a.m each Sunday Morning. We are studying the Life of Christ: His birth, His ministry, His miracles, His death and Resurrection. Teacher: JoAnn Henry
Sister Church
Our church has a "sister" church in Darby, England.
St. Thomas Road Methodist Church. We exchange newsletters and small gifts at Christmas. We were happy to entertain three of their members and hope to send some of our members to visit them.
Lovelady FUMC supports 3 scholarships.
Lovelady FUMC JoAnn Starns Scholarship Committee presented its first scholarship in 1991. From that date to the present, 42 scholarships have been presented. The scholarships began as $1,000 and in 2004, increased to $2,000.
The George and Barbara Crowson Educational Scholarship was created by their children in 2007 as an anniversary gift. To date 8 scholarships have been given to students.
The third scholarship was begun by Dr. Marvin Russell, a member of Lovelady FUMC, now deceased. It was named the Marvin Russell Old Gym Scholarship. Marvin's wife, Gene, continues this scholarship to date.
Youth and Young Adults
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. God knows the plans He has for this unique group. We learn how we can live out God's truths in our lives. Our church wants a safe haven for youth to be able find what God wants from them and how to live it out loud.